Kontist Service GmbH
Kastanienallee 98B
10435 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0) 30 – 31 19 86 00
Kontist, the German bank that specializes in services for freelancers, small businesses and the self-employed, now offers specialized Tax Service to account holders.
Your main contact is and will always be Kontist. Since we at Kontist are not tax consultants, we bring in qualified experts and arrange for them to take on the tasks related to taxes and accounting.
This can be explained in the following way:
Thanks to our role as mediators, we at Kontist have an excellent overview of all the experts that can help our clients in various areas.
We work hand-in-hand with Kontist Steuerberatungsgesellschaft and Kontist Service and benefit from the fact that qualified experts that know exactly what they are doing are present at every junction .
We pool this expertise to create great added value for our clients: For you, the stress surrounding taxes and accounting is a thing of the past.