Churches and Religious Activities in Germany

Churches and Religious Activities in Germany

Explore the world of churches and religious activities in Germany. Learn about the various denominations, how to join a church and how to participate in religious activities. Get tips from expats living in Germany.

No Smoking Laws in Germany


Discover what you need to know about Germany’s no smoking laws. Learn about the different regulations for public and private places and how to stay compliant. Get the facts to stay on the right side of the law.

Voting in U.S. Elections while living in Germany

voting in U.S. Elections while living in Germany

Learn the ins and outs of how to vote in U.S. elections while living in Germany. Get the latest updates on absentee ballots, registration deadlines, and more. Make sure your voice is heard! #Voting #USelections #ExpatLiving

German Law and the German Legal System

German Law and the German Legal System

Discover the intricacies of the German legal system and learn how to navigate the law in Germany. Get tips from expert expats on complying with German law and understanding the legal system.

Germany: Basic Facts

Basic Facts

Learn basic facts about Germany and how to settle in as an expat. Get tips on German culture, visa requirements, and more. Discover the best of Germany!

Setting Up Company Insurance in Germany

Setting Up Company Insurance in Germany

Get the lowdown on setting up company insurance in Germany. Understand the different types, the paperwork, and the costs. Learn how to get the right coverage for your business. Expert tips for expats in Germany.

The Mini-GmbH

Mini GmbH

Learn about the Mini-GmbH – the perfect business structure for expats in Germany. Discover how to set up and manage a Mini-GmbH, what are the advantages and disadvantages and how to make the most of it. Get the best insights and tips to succeed in Germany.

Starting a Business in Germany

Starting a business

Learn how to start a business in Germany! Get tips from experts on the process, legal requirements, taxes, and more. Get the info you need to make your dream a reality.

Christmas Markets of Germany’s Historic Cities

Christmas Markets of Germanys Historic Cities 1

Explore the magical Christmas markets of Germany’s historic cities! From Berlin to Munich, discover the best places to experience the festive season. Get tips on how to make the most of your visit.

German Christmas Markets

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Discover the magic of German Christmas markets! Learn about their history and traditions, as well as tips for visiting them. Enjoy the festive atmosphere and explore Germany this winter. Experience the best of German culture with our guide.